Few things to note when importing any data into Vertex. There are a few steps the import process goes through and you'll see those steps during the import process in the Activity drawer in the upper right-hand corner. Steps 1 and 2 is when the file is being captured from your system, to ours.
While these 2 steps are processing we ask that you do not navigate away from the page. Steps 3 - 5, your file is now in our system and is being processed, so you can safely navigate away from the Vertex page without interrupting the import process.
- From the File Manager, click Import and choose one of the following:
File - Select the file that you want to import, and click Open. Use this option if you’re importing a zipped assembly or any other type of individual file. Important: The filename of the zipped file MUST match the top-level assembly filename.
Assembly Important: You must save all of your assembly's references to the same location on your computer. For more information, see How to prepare an assembly for import.
- Select the folder that contains your assembly parts (do not go into the folder; simply select it), and click Upload.
- If an Upload message appears, click Upload.
- In the Import Assembly dialog, select the top-level assembly file from the Assembly File list, and click Import.
Note: It is highly recommended if you have more than 5,000+ parts, for the best performance, to zip your data before importing. Import them using the File option instead of Assembly.
The Activity list shows the progress of the import. The file is ready to open once it appears in the File Manager.
- To open a file, simply click it. Your model opens in the 3D Viewer. Notes:
- Currently, the maximum file size allowed for import is 5 GB. If you have a file larger then 5 GB please contact support@vertex3d.com for assistance
- If the filename already exists, you can choose to import the file as new or as an increment version. For more information on versioning your model, see Import a new version of a model.
- It is recommended to zip assembly files before importing.
- You can only open supported files in Vertex. However, you can import non-CAD files by using the Import -> Document option.
After you sign in, the File Manager is displayed. This is the home page and where all of your files are listed. If you don’t have any files in the File Manager, you need to sign in to Vertex from a desktop environment and then import files.
- To open a file, simply tap it.
Your model opens in the 3D Viewer.