- Sign in to Vertex as an administrator.
- In the upper-right corner, click your initials and choose Settings.
- In the list of users, click the name of the user that you want to edit (or use the search box to find the user).
Tip: You can also use the More menu after each name in the list to access the same options in the next step.
- Click one or more of the following options:
- Edit User - Opens the Edit User Details page so that you can update the user’s personal details, contact information, and organization details.
- Disable User/Enable User - Deactivates or reactivates the user’s account.
- Reset Password - Sends an email with a temporary password to the user, so that they can update their password.
- Resend Welcome Email - Sends a Welcome email to the user. This option is only available if you chose not to send a Welcome email to a new user or if users who previously received a Welcome email did not activate their account. Sending a new Welcome email voids all previous temporary passwords. Temporary passwords are valid for 30 days.
- Sign in to Vertex as an administrator.
- In the lower-right corner, tap Account and choose Users.
- Next to the user profile that you want to update (use the search box if needed), tap More and choose from the following:
- Edit - Opens the Edit User Details page so that you can update the user’s personal details, contact information, and organization details.
- Disable/Enable - Suspends or reactivates the user’s account.
- Resend Welcome Email - Sends a Welcome email to the user. Only use this option for users who previously received a Welcome email but did not activate their account by creating their own password. Sending a new Welcome email voids all previous temporary passwords. Temporary passwords are valid for 30 days.
- Reset Password - Sends an email with a temporary password to the user, so that they can update their password.