If you want to import an Inventor assembly, save all of the assembly’s files to a new folder.
- Create a folder where you want to save all of your assembly’s files.
Important: If you’re going to package your assembly as a .zip file, (see step 4b), you must give the folder the same name as the top-level assembly file.
- In Inventor, open your assembly.
- Choose File → Save As → Pack and Go.
- In the Pack and Go dialog, do the following:
- In Destination Folder, browse to the folder you created in step 1.
- Under the Options section, set the following:
- Select Model files Only.
- Ensure that Skip Libraries is cleared.
Best practice is to always zip your files before importing it. This reduces the amount of time it takes to import larger assemblies.
- Click Search Now, ensure that the files found are correct, and then click Start.
- You can now import the assembly or the zip file into Vertex.
- Parts that you want to collaborate on should be unhidden or unsuppressed. If they’re not, they’ll appear as gray (unavailable) in the BOM.
- For more detailed instructions on how to save content using Inventor, see Pack and Go Overview.